Bulldozing biodiversity? Conservation with the private sector.

Policy seminar delivered to environmental master’s students at Imperial College London.

December 10, 2015


Policy Seminar


Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London


Environmental Technology master’s students


The human race is two thirds of the way to having the same impact on biodiversity in their short lifetime on Earth than a 112-mile wide asteroid. Businesses often shoulder the lion’s share of the blame for this. They undeniably have wide-reaching and substantial impacts on biodiversity, and are often accused of having undue influence on policy. However, they also offer an important lever for change. This talk will present UNEP-WCMC’s work engaging the private sector, primarily the extractive industries, before giving real world examples of the science-government-business interface and implications for conservation.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Dunnett, Seb},
  title = {Bulldozing Biodiversity? {Conservation} with the Private
  date = {2015-12-10},
  url = {http://sebdunnett.com/talks/2015-12-10-bulldozing-biodiversity/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Dunnett, Seb. 2015. “Bulldozing Biodiversity? Conservation with the Private Sector.” December 10, 2015. http://sebdunnett.com/talks/2015-12-10-bulldozing-biodiversity/.